Electric hand nebulizer  837 A

Electric hand nebulizer 837 A

Electric nebulizer in stainless steel AISI 304 for disinfecting...
801 P01 Washbasin

801 P01 Washbasin

Wall-fixed washbasin in stainless steel Aisi 304 cm 50 x 50 depth 13....
Soap dispenser elbow control 820 L021

Soap dispenser elbow control 820 L021

Soap dispenser in stainless steel with elbow control
Lever operated hand nebulizer  837 C

Lever operated hand nebulizer 837 C

Hand disinfectant nebulizer for professional and industrial...
Soap dispenser 820

Soap dispenser 820

Liquid soap dispenser. Manufactured in stainless steel...
801 M022 Washbasin

801 M022 Washbasin

Stainless Steel Washbasin  AISI 304 with Knee Push-and-Release...
Hand nebulizer with battery 837 B

Hand nebulizer with battery 837 B

Battery operated hand nebulizer in plastic.
Hand dryer 835 A123

Hand dryer 835 A123

Electric hand dryer with hot air with sensor detecting hands presence.
801 M022 Washbasin

801 M022 Washbasin

Washbasin in stainless steel with knee-operating...
801 M051 Wall fixed washbasin

801 M051 Wall fixed washbasin

Stainless Steel washbasin in Aisi 304 cm 30X30 prof. 12 wall-fixed...
Floor paper holder  850

Floor paper holder 850

Floor based paper holder in stainless steel Aisi...
Open paper holder  853

Open paper holder 853

Open paper holder in stainless steel Aisi 304. Dimensions: cm 37 x...

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